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Day in the life of an air stewardess mum: Morning laundry, pre-flight spin class and a 12-hour shift

Day in the life of an air stewardess mum: Morning laundry, pre-flight spin class and a 12-hour shift
Sharon starting her day with some house chores (left) and preparing for work at night (right).
PHOTO: TikTok/Nadineodelia

It is common knowledge that being a working mum comes with challenges aplenty.

For Sharon Nadine, those challenges are presumably more complicated as she's currently working as an air stewardess at Scoot.

The self-confessed "travel bug" took to TikTok last Friday (Aug 19) to share just what a day in her life is like, garnering over 63,000 views. 


"Not all days are like this but most of it are [sic]!" the caption read.

The TikTok video, posted on her personal account Nadineodelia, starts off no different from the days of other parents with young children — waking up bright and early in preparation for school.

She does not confirm her son Rex's age in the video, but he looks to be a pre-school or kindergarten student.

Once that's settled at 7.30am, Sharon heads back home for laundry duty. 

A trip to Starbucks is next for that all-important caffeine boost. Sharon even finds the time to attend a spin class before lunch.

Alone time in the afternoon does not last too long as Rex needs to be picked up from school.

As she's flying off that night, the mother and child tuck into an early 6pm dinner.

In the video, Sharon can be seen slurping on some noodles while the young boy happily munches on some lamb chops.

At night, the Scoot uniform is on and all focus turns to Sharon's cabin crew job.

When most others are slowly ending their day at 10pm, Sharon is on a plane prepping for work. 

She lands back in Singapore 12 hours later.

It's a punishing schedule, but Sharon seems raring to go, claiming it's simply a case of "back to mum life".

In the comments section, netizens were in awe of the woman's resilience and gave props to her.

"How'd you still have energy after spin class? I don't even have energy left after sending my boy to school," one user shared.

Sharon replied that she needs to keep healthy "so I can take care of bubs".

However, one TikTok user questioned why she appeared to be doing the bulk of the work and asked where her partner was, while another made the assumption that Sharon is a single mum.

Sharon posted another TikTok video yesterday to share what her off days typically look like. While there's no flying about in planes, her day seems just as draining.

She did add a disclaimer, however, that her husband takes care of Rex alone while she's at work. 

Sharon is just one of many working mums out there slogging it out so here's a shoutout to them all.

ALSO READ: 'I appreciate the advice, but...': Naomi Neo responds to flak for scaring 4-year-old son with 'ghost' prank on TikTok

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